Mark Twain


Human Relations

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Menu Selections:

Awards Committee to recognize and reward an adult, youth and organization who/that practices the Committee's obligation to foster mutual respect, understanding and harmony among diverse groups.
Development Committee to seek funding for Commission programs, projects, operations and staff through proposals, grants, gifts, bequests and donations
Employment Committee to monitor, educate, train and guide the employment practices of the public and private sectors to ensure equality of opportunity.
Justice Committee to develop relationships with the criminal justice system in the county. To act as a conciliator that prevents increasde tention and conflict. To monitor the activities and processes of this system to ensure fair and equitable treatment to all. To intervene through education, training and guidance.
Youth Committee to develop and encourage leadership skills in young people. To offer skills training in facillitation, conflict resolution, mediation and group leadership and to provide projects and activities in community service that encourage the use of these skills.



©2002 Chemung County Government