Mark Twain


Human Relations

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Menu Selections:

We are a county commission created by the Chemung County Board of Supervisors, consisting of 15 adults and 4 youths who are appointed by the County Executive and volunteer to serve the community.

Current Commissioners:
Richard Rich Jr. - Chair
Judith Clovsky
Rick Lucero
Scott Forbes
Jay Schissell
Bonnie Marks
Michelle Jones Ham
Donna Homuth
Bonnie Marks
Udean Meggs

Rev. Roosevelt Simmons
Margaret Strumpf
Sylvia Wells
Joan Willsey
Grace Torres
Morgan Cerio

(2) student vacancies

Paid Staff Administers
Sandra Parker Mitchell - Executive Director
Karen E. Hrynko - Administrative Assistant

Commissions meetings are held on third Thursday of each month, from 3:00pm - 4:00pm at the Human Resource Center, 425 Pennsylvania Avenue, Elmira, Room 322. The public is welcome.



©2002 Chemung County Government