Mark Twain


Human Relations

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  • speaking, training and conferring on Human Relations issues, which include: Affirmative Action, Appropriate workplace behaviour, Diversity, Harrassment, Police/Minority relations, Study circles, The Aging Workforce, The Americans with Disabilities Act, The Compliant Process, The Green Circle and Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972;
  • enlisting and collaborating with other groups to encourage all citizens to use all the facilities and participate in all phases of community life;
  • developing relationships through board and committee memberships and joining other groups to ensure the equal and just treatment of everyone;
  • acting as a release valve for the community: through listening, conferring, persuading and resolving issues and receiving complaints for the State Division of Human Rights;
  • developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programs in awareness, tolerance, acceptance and inclusiveness; and
  • providing leadership in recognizing and resolving potential community problems.



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