Mark Twain


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A message from the Commissioner:

On behalf of the staff and volunteers of the Chemung County Department of Social Services, I am pleased to have this opportunity to introduce our services. This series of pages briefly describes the divisions which make up our local DSS. We also work closely with our community colleagues in continually striving to provide comprehensive quality services to the citizens of Chemung County.

InteractingOur staff consists of a dedicated, seasoned work force of individuals who meet state civil service qualifications and are drawn from competitive lists after testing. Every day, the employees of DSS must make difficult decisions affecting the lives and resources of the people we serve. At times we are expected to work miracles (and sometimes we do). At times we make mistakes. Sometimes people don't get the answer or help they want. But we keep trying and strive to work in partnership with community agencies, civic groups, churches, businesses and individuals. We can't do it alone.

- Duane Spilde



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