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- Alcohol-related highway crashes are the leading
cause of death for adolescent and youth adults in the United States.
- Approximately 16,900 Americans died in preventable
crashes in 1997. About one third of them under the age of 25. There were more than 900,000 injuries.
- The minimum legal drinking age in all states
in now 21. Inspite of this, in 1997, 34% of the fatally injured drivers were under the age of 21 and had a blood
alcohol concentration.
- Impaired drivers with a BAC of .15 are twenty-six
times more likely to have a fatal crash than sober drivers.
- Alcohol related crashes are the number one
cause of death in the age groups 6-33.
- In 1997, alcohol related traffic crashes cost
68 billion dollars, over 40 billion were associated with medical bills.
- State Farm Insurance figures show that $338.00 of every $1000.00 paid in
car insurance goes directly to pay for the cost incurred by intoxicated and impaired drivers.
- Prevention does work!!! Alcohol related deaths are down 46% in New York State
since STOP-DWI and are down 32% nationwide.
- 80% of all fatalities occur during the hours
of midnight and 4 A.M.
- The average drunk driver arrested in the United
States has a BAC of .17.
- According to the F.B.I., a crash caused by
a drunk driver is still the most often committed violent crime in the United States today.
- The average person that has been arrested for
DWI has driven drunk 130 times prior and had not been caught.
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