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The mission of the Chemung County STOP/DWI has
been to reduce the incidence of drinking and driving by:
- Increased public awareness of the risks of
drinking and driving.
- Increase the identification of the drinking
driver through enforcement.
- Maintaining a positive public support in getting
the drinking driver off the road.
- Timely and consistent application of the legal
penalties for DWI/DWAI.
Chemung County STOP DWI Program puts a critical
emphasis on "special" and highly visible enforcement in conjunction with a public awareness and education
program. This also includes the education of law enforcement officers in DWI laws, enforcement, and victim awareness.
The "visibility" has been an important part of deterrence measures. The purchase of two DWI cars has
doubled visibility and increased the number of arrests by the DWI team. The Governor's Traffic Safety Committee
invited the DWI Coordinator to speak at several gatherings around the state about the ideas and methods that are
being used successfully in Chemung County.
A working Advisory Board comprised of law enforcement,
county and municipal government, local judges and justices, Traffic Safety Board, the District Attorneys Office,
alcohol related citizens groups, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council and local media has allowed the program to directly
address the services of enforcement, prosecution and community systems.