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Infant/Children's Health Assessment Program (ICHAP)

This is a statewide program to assure that children receive the help needed for the best growth and development possible in their early years. Through early identification of problems and referral to appropriate community services, assistance is given to eligible families of children age 0 to 3 years who have special developmental needs.

Early Intervention (EI)

Likely candidates for this program are children from birth to 3 years suspected of having significant delays in physical (including vision and hearing), communication, social/emotional, adaptive/self help and cognitive skills.

Parents, physicians, day care providers and other community agencies/programs may refer children for evaluation. Staff members work closely with parents in choosing an evaluation team to determine eligibility for services. Children and families then become involved in a collaborative individual family service plan of appropriate therapies and services. Progress is evaluated at least every six months and coordinated with entry into the Preschool Program at age 3.

Preschool Program

The Preschool Program is a state/county funded program for preshool children age 3 to 5 years who, due to certain mental, physical or emotional reasons have been identified as having a disability and can receive appropriate educational opportunities from special programs and services approved by the State Education Department.

Physically Handicapped Children's Program (PHCP)

PHCP is a funding source to help parents meet the medical expenses of caring for a disabled child. The diagnostic and evaluation components of the program provide no-cost services, including orthodontia, at authorized specialty centers to confirm disabilities. This program is available to individuals from birth to 21 years of age.



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