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License Bureau 

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Hours of Operations
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30AM to 4:15PM
Tuesday and Thursday 8:30AM to 6:00PM

Written Tests
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30AM to 3:30PM
Tuesday and Thursday 8:30AM to 4:30PM

Friendly License Bureau employeesThe Chemung County License Bureau (Dept of Motor Vehicles) is one of the busiest offices in the County of Chemung. As County Clerk Katie Hughes mentions in her Message From the County Clerk, the License Bureau is a revenue generating environment, and tries it's best to serve the public in a very professional, polite, and kind manner. The majority of money collected in the Chemung County License Bureau goes to the State of New York. Only about 13% of collected money stays in Chemung County. The Chemung County License Bureau is a FULL-SERVICE office. Some of the transactions completed for you are:


Issuance of Driver's Licenses of all kinds:

Regular operator licenses (Class D)

Junior operator licenses (Class JD)

Commercial operator licenses (Class A,B,C) with endorsements

Transfer of new and used vehicles

Enforcement transactions (conditional and restricted licenses)

Written tests for Learner Permits (all classes)

Road test appointments are arranged

Insurance lapses on all vehicles

IRP transactions (tractor trailers)

Reciprocity (transferring from another state to NY)

Car Dealers' transactions

Renewal of all vehicles and operators' licenses (we complete them at our local office. The turn around time is much faster, as mentioned in the Message From the County Clerk ).

Information Desk at the License BureauIf you have a problem, come in and let us look the paper work over so we can take some of the worry away from you. This is YOUR local Motor Vehicle office. and we want to be of service to you.



©2002 Chemung County Government