Listed below are some businesses that haul and/or accept various
materials. This is by no means a complete list. Additional resources may be found in the telephone directory. Be
advised that the District does not necessarily recommend any of the vendors listed below, and it is incumbent upon
both the customer and the business to assure that all necessary state and federal permits are appropriate and valid. |
Solid Waste Haulers
Foster's Disposal - 208 Harrington Ave, Elmira Heights,
NY 14903 607-734-2502 |
Jim's Trucking - 1453 Grand Central Ave., Elmira, NY
14901 607-734-9745 |
S.D.S. of NY - 1618 Sears Road, Horseheads, NY 14845
607-796-2000 |
B & E Disposal - 320 West River Road, Nichols, NY 13812
607-699-3406 |
Waste Oil Haulers
Safety Kleen - Industrial Park Rd., PO Box 229, RD
#1, Athens, PA 570-888-0398 |
Op-Tech - Athens, PA 570-882-8088 |
Computer/Monitor/TV Recyclers
Aarwin - 461 E. Clinton St., Elmira, NY 14901
607-733-6666 |
5R Processing Limited - 2510 Burnet Ave., Syracuse, NY 13206
315-458-4901 |
Fluorescent Light Bulb Haulers
Safety Kleen - Industrial Park Rd., PO Box 229, RD
#1, Athens, PA 570-888-0398 |
Clean Harbors - Box 1812, Albany, NY 800-444-4244 |
Op-Tech - Athens, PA 570-882-8088 |
Cooking Oil/Renderers/Dead Animals
Southern Tier Hide & Tallow - 3185 Lower Maple Ave., Elmira, NY 14901
607-734-3661 |
Baker Commodities - 7416 Taft Park Drive, E. Syracuse, NY
315-458-4901 |
Contaminated Soil Haulers (NY State DEC
Part 364 Permitted Haulers)
Beavers Petroleum Equipment - 88 B Ridge Road, Horseheads, NY 14845
607-739-1790 |
S.D.S. of NY - 1618 Sears Road, Horseheads, NY 14845
607-796-2000 |
Sheesley's Sewer Service - 1884 Grand Central Ave., Horseheads,
NY 14845 607-733-1862 |
Refridgerator/Freezer/Air Conditioner/Dehumidifier
-Drop-off or pick up services
Foster's Disposal - 208 Harrington Ave, Elmira Heights,
NY 14903 607-734-2502 |
Jim's Trucking - 1453 Grand Central Ave., Elmira, NY
14901 607-734-9745 |
Alan Perlson A & B Trucking - Elmira, NY 607-732-8390 |
Swarthout Recycling - 1514 County Rte 19, Beaver Dams, NY
607-936-0013 |
Douglas Salisbury - 607-733-8750 |
Propane Cylinder Drop-off
Suburban Propane - 963 Chemung St., Horseheads, NY 14845
607-739-4141 |