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Chemung County
Solid Waste Management

  What's New!

The following services are provided at the District's Lake Street location. They are not offered in a curbside collection program or any other Drop-off Station. Customers must bring the materials into the Shredder Station Drop-off Station. All loads must be covered properly.

2002 and beyond!


ShirtThe District now accepts unwanted clothing from any resident or business. We are not attempting to compete with the charitable institutions in the area, as we even urge you to keep donating as you regularly do. However, if you do have extra clothing, we are eccepting it at the Shredder Station Drop-off Center. Slacks, blouses, jeans, curtains, sport coats, shirts, tablecloths, towels, socks, etc. will be accepted.

Latex Paint Exchange

PaintResidents or businesses that have usable latex paint can bring the materials in for drop off. Each container will be opened for inspection. No chemicals, oil-based paint, thinners, pesticides etc. will be accepted here. Those Chemung County residents or businesses who are in need of paint may stop by and take any quantity.

Used Auto Oil Filters

Oil FilterResidents who change their own oil filters in their vehicles can now bring them to the Shredding Station Transfer Station. This service is offered for residents only. Any business, commercial institution or industry must properly recycle or dispose of them as a cost of doing business. The District also accepts up to 5 gallons of waste oil per day from residents only.

Computer Monitors

Computer MonitorThe District accepts unbroken/undamaged computer monitors at 1690 Lake Street for recycling. The price is $5 for the first monitor and $10 for two. Three or more are charged by weight (minimum weight charge is $15).

All services listed above are available Monday thru Saturday, 8AM to 3PM at the Shredder Station Drop-off Center, 1690 Lake Road in Elmira.

Questions: Call the Solid Waste District at 607-737-2980

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