Sullivan's Monument

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Sullivan's Monument

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Picnic Table Without a doubt, this is the most beautiful spot at Sullivan's Monument to picnic at. Secluded, with a gorgeous view of the Chemung Valley below.
Tribute This is the platform that overlooks the actual Newtown Battlefield. There are several exhibits explaining the battle on the platform. The Chemung Valley Living History Center was responsible for funding the building of the observation deck.
Exhibit One of the exhibits on the platform explaining the Battle of Newtown.
Valley This picture is of the actual Newtown Battlefield.
Sullivan's Monument A different view of the monument.
Bench Imagine how relaxing it is to spend a few hours here.
Pavillion One of the many pavillions located around the park.
Pavillion Part of one of the picnic areas.
Country Road Just one slice of beauty at Sullivan's Monument. 


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