WHAT IS CIVIL SERVICE? Most jobs in New York State’s public sector are governed by Civil Service Law. A "Civil Service" employee can be anyone from a secretary to a nurse, a mechanic,
a laboratory technician, a truck driver, a building inspector, an electrician, or a teacher aide. However, different Civil Service jobs have different classifications and requirements.
DO I HAVE TO TAKE A TEST? Many positions in the public service require that the candidate take an examination. Positions,
such as these, are classified as “COMPETITIVE”. In order to be considered for employment in a competitive class position the candidate must
rank among the three highest standing candidates taking the examination. A separate examination is held, as needed to fill vacancies, for all titles in the competitive
class. All positions are considered to be competitive unless deemed by NYS Civil Service that it is not practicable
to determine the merit and fitness of applicants by competitive examination.
WHAT POSITIONS DO NOT REQUIRE A TEST? There are three (3) types of positions, which have no examination requirements:
1. EXEMPT positions for which competitive examinations are not practicable include deputies to department
heads, confidential secretaries, and secretaries to Boards or Commissions. Positions may be classified as exempt due to the confidential nature of the position and
only with the approval of the NYS Civil Service Commission.
NON-COMPETITIVE positions have specific education and experience requirements. Candidates’ applications
are reviewed and approved for employment consideration, if the candidate is found to meet the minimum qualifications
required by the job specification. Appointing authorities may choose from among all qualified applicants. This class includes titles such as motor equipment operator, carpenter and mechanic, for
which written examination is not practicable.
3. LABOR positions have no education or experience requirements. Individuals are hired based on
their ability to perform the duties of the position.
HOW DO I KNOW WHAT JOBS ARE AVAILABLE? You are welcome to apply for any examination announced to the public (competitive class
titles) or any currently available opening not requiring an examination (exempt, non-competitive, and labor class
titles) for which you meet the minimum qualifications.
Examination notices include the competitive class title, a description of the position,
the minimum qualifications required for admittance to the exam and a description of the subject matter to be covered
in the examination. Applications are available from the Regional Civil Service Commission office. Other jurisdictions on our mailing list; such as towns, villages, school districts, and
libraries may also have exam notices posted. We recommend you check for new exam notices each month. Candidates that are successful on
the exam are placed on an eligible list in rank order. As job opportunities become available, candidates are canvassed to determine interest and
availability for employment. Appointing authorities are required to fill positions with candidates that are among the
top three highest standing candidates on the eligible list willing to accept appointment.
HOW DO I APPLY? Whether you are interested in a tested or a non-tested position, the same application,
available from the Regional Civil Service Commission office, should be completed.
When making application be sure:
1. to submit a separate application and exam fee for each examination you wish to take.
2. the correct examination title and examination number is on the application.
3. you meet the minimum qualifications and residency requirements (if applicable) of the examination
for which you are applying. Application fees are non-refundable.
4. your application is complete and accurate. Applications with incomplete or incorrect information may result in disqualification from
the job or examination for which you are applying. Attaching a resume is not an acceptable alternative to completing an application.
5. to ask questions, if you require additional information. Someone will be available to assist you.
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER I APPLY FOR THE TEST(S)? Applications for examinations are processed as they are received. Candidates that meet the qualifications are notified by mail a week before the examination
date of the location for testing and other instructions. Candidates who do not meet the qualifications are notified two weeks prior to the exam and
afforded five days to submit facts in opposition to their disqualification .
WHAT WILL BE ON THE TEST(S)? Each exam contains subject matter relating to the knowledge, skills and abilities needed
to perform the duties of the position. You can find a description of the areas to be tested in the examination notice.
results are received from the New York State Department of Civil Service approximately six (6) to eight (8) weeks
after an examination. You will be notified by mail of your score and of your rank on the eligible list.
WHERE ARE THESE EXAMINATION LISTS USED? Chemung County and City of Elmira departments, towns, villages, school districts, SCT-BOCES,
Elmira Water Board and special districts use the lists resulting from these examinations to fill competitive positions.
For more information contact:
Chemung County/City of Elmira Regional Civil Service Commission
(607) 737-2918